猫咪社区官网 529 hosting Flat Dash contest
January 26, 2024
Looking for a fun way to keep your little ones active and engaged this winter? 猫咪社区官网 529 has a great activity to help keep them motivated and moving: a Flat Dash contest. Here鈥檚 how it works:
- Print a and have your kiddo color him. Be creative and have fun!
- Take Flat Dash out for fun adventures and take photos with him.
- Share your adventures by posting your photos with Dash on social media. Be sure to tag @猫咪社区官网529 to be entered in the contest. (If your account is private, we might not see your photos. No problem: You can direct message us on social media or email us at alaska529@alaska.edu.)
The contest runs from Jan. 15 to Feb. 15. The prize is an 猫咪社区官网 529 swag bag. The winner will be chosen randomly on Feb. 16 and announced on social media that day.
For more information, contact Shea Bredlie at svbredlie@alaska.edu.